The text file needs to contain a list of VMs 1 per row.
This script will perform several functions. First it will shut the vm down, second it verifies the vms are shut down ( user intervention ), third it will snapshot each vm in order and finally will power each vm back on. This is the safest way I have been able to find to do snapshots.
#Connecting to VI-Server
Connect-Viserver -Server vCenterServer
$VMs = get-content "C:\Lists\vms.txt"
$Today = (Get-Date).ToString(“MM-d-yy”)
$SnapshotName = "$Today - Snapshot"
#This Function Shutsdown the VM's in the $VMs List
Function Shutdown{
foreach ($VM in $VMs){
get-vm -Name $VM | Shutdown-VMGuest -confirm:$false
Write-Host "Shutting $VM down."
Write-Host "Waiting 2 minutes for VM's to shutdown"
Sleep 120
#This Function Lists Power State of all the VMs then Verifies with the User that all VMs are shutdown
Function ShutdownVerify{
Write-Host "Verifying all VM's in $VMs are Powered Off."
foreach ($VM in $VMs){
$pwr = (Get-VM $VM).PowerState
if ($pwr -eq "PoweredOn"){
Write-Host -Foregroundcolor red "$VM is $Pwr"
}elseif ($pwr -eq "PoweredOff"){
Write-Host -Foregroundcolor green "$VM is $Pwr"
$u = Read-Host = "Any VMs Still Powered on? [Yes] or [No] (Case Sensitive)"
if ($u -match "No"){
Write-Host "Running Snapshot Script...."
}elseif ($u -match "Yes") {
Write-Host "Waiting 2 minutes..."
Sleep 120
#This Function Snapshots each server in the $VMs list.
Function Snapshot{
ForEach ($VM in $VMs)
#Create snapshot for today
New-Snapshot -Name $SnapshotName -VM $VM
Write-host "$VM Snapped"
Sleep 5
#This Function Power's on all the VMs in the $VMs List
Function PowerOn{
foreach ($VM in $VMs){
Write-Host "Starting $VM"
Start-VM -VM $VM
Write-Host "$VM started"
#Calling each function in order
Monday, December 8, 2014
Power CLI script to take snapshots from a list of VMs.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Active Directory Powershell Function - Get-UserLockout
The function below is used for looking up the Locked out status of an Active Directory User. Usage is:
Get-UserLockout username
Active Directory Powershell Module required.
function Get-UserLockout
Get-ADUser $Username -Properties * | Select Lockedout }
Get-UserLockout username
Active Directory Powershell Module required.
function Get-UserLockout
Get-ADUser $Username -Properties * | Select Lockedout }
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